Tips to Upgrading Your Bachelors Pad  

Whether you’ve got the entire house to yourself or have a room just for you, here are things to consider when styling your man cave:

1. Avoid Cliches: 
Be it red or black color combos, all leather furniture, or oversized speakers, the first thing you need to remember is let go of the stereotypical macho style ideas that you have and open your eyes to new styles.

2. Do Not Use Fluorescent Lights:
Even if your ceiling lights are exactly that, don’t rely on it. Instead, invest in a few lamps and maybe even install new and different ceiling lights.

3. The More Books, The Better:

A library is a good choice for any and every home!

4. Keep Your Sheets Clean and Crisp:

When was the last time you washed your sheets? Make sure you have a few spare ones on hand too.

5. Switch to Dark Colored Towels:

White towels get dirty easily and look worn out just as fast. Instead, opt for a grey or dark blue set for your towels.

6. Invest in a Decent Set of Glasses and Plates:
Yes, plastic is easier when it comes to cleaning and overall ease of use, but if you’re adult enough to live alone then you’re adults enough to own glass kitchenware.

7. Use Your Walls:
White walls are a staple in bachelor pads, unless they’re covered in sports memorabilia (which you shouldn’t have either). Instead, consider framing pictures and decorating your walls or adding a bit or art as well.

8. Use A Rug:
This one is pretty simple: Your living room should have a rug.

9 Don’t Forget About The Bathroom:

The essentials are important: a trash can with a lid, fresh clean towels, hand soap, a plunger and yes, a candle (or at the very least, air freshener).