5 Ways MyCRM Can Help Your Business

Are you getting the most out of MyCRM? Here are 5 ways MyCRM can help your business.

1. Social Media Sharing:

Did you know that you can now share your properties on social media through a click of a button? Integrating your social media accounts onto MyCRM allows you to easily share and post your properties to your social media followers, resulting in more leads!

2. On The Go:

We know that you lead very busy lives, and our MyCRM app is the perfect solution for you! Enter your information and retrieve material with ease using our application, which is essentially a virtual office on the go!

3. MLS:
Our Multiple Listing Service helps you find the best match for your clients, not only in your inventory, but within the entire Propertyfinder portfolio, helping you get even more leads!

4. Property Brochures:
Create beautiful brochures for your listings, which include your logo and contact details, and can easily be downloaded and printed. Take them to meetings or email them to your lead directly from MyCRM.

5: Creating your database:

When sending an email, client details are automatically registered on MyCRM, which generates a comprehensive database of people who are interested in your properties. This will ensure that you don’t miss out on leads, and also that you have the option of sharing any future projects with these clients.

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